Addglobe Gas Flow Meter 2.0
The GFM 2.0 sampler is a portable, explosion-proof, battery-powered device designed to determine the rate of gas leakage from various pipe fittings and valves. With the ability to be controlled wirelessly using an Andriod phone, technical information is displayed, and supervises the sampler, with a reception distance of up to 5 meters. Connect with a CR Wall representative to discuss demos, trials, and lunch & learn opportunities.

EnCal proChain 3000 From Honeywell
CR Wall is now carrying the Honeywell Elster® EnCal 3000 proChain. A cost-effective gas chromatograph analyzer specially designed for natural gas energy measurements. For transparent and accurate custody transfer of natural gas, the determination of the energy content within the transported gas is key. Gas chromatography is the standard solution for this kind of measurement.

Gasurveyor 700 - H2
The GS700 H2 is here and certified. With being able to quickly determine the source of gas leaks, whether it’s pipeline gas or naturally occurring biogas; saving valuable time and reducing detection-related costs. Reach out to your CR Wall representative or click the button below for a lunch & learn opportunity with demos and trials.

Split Peeler - SF
CR Wall is now carrying the Split Peeler SF, a tool designed for exterior pipe preparation in the electrofusion process. Click below to learn more about the applications for this specialty electrofusion tool.